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Roof Coatings in Michigan: Protecting Your Home, One Shingle at a Time

Updated: Jun 25

Hey there, folks! Today, let’s delve into the captivating world of roof coatings right here in our neck of the woods. Whether you’re enjoying a fizzy soda or munching on some crispy chips, you’ll want to tune in because this topic is as crucial as a hot meal on a frosty winter day.

michigan roof coating
michigan roof coating



Extends Roof Life

Slapping on some of that protective coating can add years to your existing top cover, keeping your wallet happy by dodging a pricey do-over.

Improves Energy Efficiency

That shiny stuff on top of your house can bounce back the sun’s rays, which can help you save some bucks on your AC bill when it’s hot out.

Protects Against Leaks

That slick layer up top can plug up any drips and keep your place from getting waterlogged.

Available in a Variety of Colors

That slick layer up top comes in all sorts of shades, so you can pick one that jazzes up your house’s outside look.


Slapping on some of that coating stuff is a cheaper way to keep your top cover going strong than swapping it out for a new one.

Why That Extra Layer on Your Roof is a Big Deal

Imagine this: You’re all snug in your home, watching the snowflakes do their ballet outside your window. But what if those sneaky snowflakes decide to crash your warm party by slipping into your attic? Not so snug now, huh? That’s when that extra layer on your roof steps in!

1. Weather Warriors

Weather’s like a wild rollercoaster – full of surprises and thrills. From blistering summers to frosty winters, our roofs sure take a lot. That extra layer on your roof acts like the ultimate bouncer, shielding your shingles from everything - be it sun rays, rain, snow, or even that surprise hailstorm. They’re like the superhero of roofing materials – sturdy, unyielding, and always ready for action.

2. The Energy-Saving Heroes 

Winters can turn your toes into icicles, but they don’t have to freeze your bank account. That extra layer on your roof is like a cozy blanket, keeping your home toasty in winter and chill in summer. That translates to less fiddling with the thermostat and more dough in your pocket. Ka-ching!

3. Prolonging Your Roof’s Life 

Your roof is more than just a fancy hat for your house; it’s the frontline soldier against Mother Nature’s mood swings. Giving your roof a top-notch extra layer can add years to its life. It’s like treating your roof to a spa day - rejuvenating, refreshing, and ready to take on another season.

Kinds of Roof Coverings

Now that you’re all jazzed up about the concept of roof coverings, let’s dive into the different kinds out there:

  1. Acrylic Coverings: These guys are like the hard-hats of roof coverings - all grit, no quit, and just right for Michigan’s weather. Acrylic coverings are water-based, a cinch to put on, and they’re top-notch when it comes to UV protection. Plus, they come in a variety of colors, so you can have your roof match your go-to Detroit Lions jersey (or not).

  2. Silicone Coverings: Silicone coverings are the easy-going beach bums of the roof covering world. They’re adaptable, UV-resistant, and they’re ace at keeping water off. Got a roof with a few laugh lines (don’t we all)? Silicone coverings can roll with it. They’re like a Michigan beach lover catching waves, keeping your roof as cool as a cucumber.

  3. Reflective Coverings: These coverings are like the cool shades your roof didn’t know it was missing. Reflective coverings deflect sunlight, cutting down on heat absorption. Picture your roof kicking back with a Vernors, staying cool while the sun’s rays just slide right off. Now that’s what I call a chill roof!

Now that you’re itching to coat your roof, here’s the scoop: Find a reliable contractor. Ask around – your neighbor might know a guy who knows a guy. Check online reviews, and make sure they’re licensed and insured. You wouldn’t trust a pasty recipe from someone who’s never been to Mackinac Island, would you?

Wrapping It Up

Our roofs deserve nothing but the best. So, grab your cup of Joe, zip up your work jacket, and get that roof covered. Because when the snow starts to fall, you’ll be cozy as can be - all thanks to those trusty roof coverings.

Stay toasty, stay proud, and keep those roof tiles gleaming, my fellow folks!


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